Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Three BAD Reasons for Muslims
Three BAD reasons NOT to ORGANIZE:
1.  You think if you "keep your head low" enough, the bad times to come will not affect you.
2,  It sounds too "political" and, therefore, scary.
3.  You're doing OK financially now in America, and will be able to adapt to changing times.
Look around you:  Muslims are quite vulnerable in this nation, with the voices of hatred and intolerance growing louder and more powerful.  Remember that Black people were terrorized (lynchings) and oppressed for more that a century under Jim Crow laws and Japanese Americans were stripped of their property and imprisoned during WWII.  These things could happen to us.  To be American is to be political; the Constitution places the responsibility for governing this country in the hands of citizens--you and me!  Patriotism, then, requires that people organize politically and when necessary, protest the government's actions.  Democracy is not just voting--it is the Power of the People to be engaged in the government, culture, and economy around us, and to sometimes work to change them.
Finally, Islam is not a religion based upon selfish goals.  It is a Way of Life that pushes us to worship Allah (SWT) by actively seeking what is best for all around us, as well as ourselves.  Too much of the financial well-being of American Muslims comes from haram practices that are OK in America (selling booze, engaging in riba, assimilating into American culture, etc.), but deadly to our Deen.  Unless the American Ummah takes up the challenge and helps to transform America, beginning NOW, things will only get worse, our rights will be more endangered, and the destructiveness of the American Corporate System will continue to murder, exploit, and impoverish.

For 3 GOOD reasons for American Muslims to ORGANIZE, see below.

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