Monday, June 25, 2012

Israel the Model democracy, Most Moral Military--and Other Horse crap.

Did you ever notice that Zionists HATE it wen pro-Palestinian-types display signs using the word "Apartheid"?  "Israel is an Apartheid State" says one of the signs Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends carries at our weekly synagogue vigils in Ann Arbor.  "You dirty anti-Semites" is a common retort offered by those who attempt to heckle us.  Another is "How DARE you compare Israel to South Africa (under apartheid)!"  A third is simply the mantra, "Israel is NOT an apartheid state."

Well, maybe it IS unfair to compare Israel to South African apartheid--to South Africa, that is.  After all, as barbaric and brutal as the white supremacist South African government was--in severely segregating Blacks in "townships" and keeping them under strict curfew in "white areas," and frequently sending soldiers and jeeps into the townships to shoot people--they never bombed the townships with war planes, or shelled the people with artillery and tanks as the Israelis are wont to do to Palestinians in the "Occupied Territories."

Those and other differences aside, the core issue is that in South Africa until 1990, the white supremacist government  created discriminatory laws based on the view that Blacks and "mixed-race" people were inferior to whites, and must be kept as separate as possible and in total subjugation.

"Apartheid," you see, was the Afrikaner (the language of the whites) word for "separation."  It's the same concept as was  in the United States for almost a century in most parts of the country.  We called it "segregation" or "Jim Crow laws," and atrocities were committed by the white majority on Black individuals and communities regularly.

So, "apartheid" and "segregation" were systems of racial separation and discrimination.  If a wall had been built in South Africa to separate Blacks from "the superior race," it could have been called "the Apartheid Wall."  In the US, a similar wall would have been called the "Segregation Wall".

Now, in Israel, things are different.  Legal racism in South Africa and the US were discredited, vilified, and  scrapped decades ago.  It is shameful in those countries to defend in any way such policies, which the United Nations has formally outlawed as a crime against humanity.

But in Israel, the doctrine called "hafrada" in Hebrew, which means the same thing as "segregation" and "apartheid" is defended as absolutely necessary to the security of Jews.  That's why they erected what they call "the Separation Barrier/Fence," "Geder HaHafrada."
So the Zionist hecklers are wrong, lying, or deluded--take your pick:  Israel IS an Apartheid State.  If it is "anti-Semitic" to be truthful and morally consistent, then I guess I'm definitely anti-Semitic.

Israel is a racist state in a way that is totally incompatible with meaningful democracy and, for that matter, with the enduring ethical tenets of Judaism, particularly as set forth in the writings of the Prophets.

But somehow, although Zionists are taking the low road of morality, they have the high hand of power, and somehow manage to demonize those who want to end Israeli apartheid/hafrada/segregation as it was ended in South Africa and the US.

"Well, at least Jews aren't racist!"  I've heard people say that, and again, I can't decide if they are in denial, lying, or seriously deluded.  Whatever it is, they are wrong again.  Zionists and the Israeli leadership and US sycophants are expert in their ability to sound oh, so righteous while they twist facts, cover up atrocities, and defend the indefensible.  But every once in a while, the truth slips out, as it did on June 25 in the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz.  For years, Israel has allowed migrant workers and refugees from various parts of the world into Israel to provide cheap labor for dirty jobs.  Lately, however, Netanyahu's government has turned on them and is intent upon getting rid of them.  The State is currently rounding up and imprisoning tens of thousands of people--particularly those who fled from Sudan--and just passed a low allowing authorities to detain such people for up to three years without trial.  
But the kicker is that Israeli Interior Minister Eli Yishai, is quoted as saying that most of the "Muslims that arrive here do not even believe that this country belongs to us, to the white man."  "I will continue the struggle until the end of my term, with no compromises," Yishai continued, stating that he would use "all the tools to expel the foreigners, until not one infiltrator remains."
The true colors of Netanyahu's Cabinet finally show--not white and baby blue, but the white of death and the red of blood, the colors of the Ku Klux Klan.

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