Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cheney the Psychopath

The Republicans are using the tragedy in Benghazi and the killing of our ambassador to Libya as the latest cudgel with which to beat up Obama.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney used it in an interview on Fox News on Monday.  He said:
"They lied,  They claimed it was because of a demonstration video so that they wouldn’t have to admit it was really all about their incompetence."
"I think it’s one of the worst incidents, frankly, that I can recall in my career," he insisted to the host, Sean Hannity.

Notice he didn't accuse them of not doing enough to beef up security for the diplomatic staff; the fault for that was Cheney's boss, W, and House Republicans in 2011—substantial cuts were made in the two accounts that pay for embassy security, over Democratic objections.

So Cheney concentrates on the Obama administration’s LIES.  These lies were “the worst incidents, frankly, that I can recall in my career.”

Let me add a “frankly” to this.  Frankly, I have seen in my lifetime the Republicans devolve from a party which (like all political entities) lied occasionally, to a party that fosters lying all the time. 

This has gone beyond pathological lying into the area of psychosis. 

Our example is Cheney’s condemning of Obama as liars, the worst he’s ever seen.  Considering the Bush administration’s carefully orchestrated pattern of lies told to Americans about Iraq and WMDs, and Cheney’s dominant role in the deceit, which caused at least a million deaths, can there be any doubt that Cheney is quite mad.  He lives in a world, inhabited by most top Republicans, that is not connected to the real world of flesh and blood and verifiable facts.

According to a study released by two nonprofit journalism groups, in  2008, President Bush and his top aides publicly made 935 false statements about the security risk posed by Iraq in the two years following September 11, 2001.

Cheney’s psychosis also keeps him from connecting with the reality that from 2001 to 2008, under the Bush Administration, there were 13 terrorist attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities (not including attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan) resulting in 98 deaths.

Muslims and other people of conscience must organize to take back this country from the psychopaths that are running it.