DECLARING WAR on Zionism & American Exceptionalism
One of my main concerns is for Palestine to be free--for
Muslims, Jews, Christians, Druze, B'hais, etc. to be able to live as equal
citizens in the whole of Palestine. For
that to happen, Israel has to be FORCED to dissolve as a "Jewish
Supremacist" State. HOW should this
be done? Since violence is the problem,
it cannot be the solution; more positive & successful victories over
tyranny have been won through Non-Violent Direct Action here and around the
world than by the use of violence.
The key word here is ACTION.
Action is essential for true change.
Americans, especially need to see that holding conferences, rallies,
& educational programs is not true action.
However, this passive approach is currently our modus operandi.
True ACTION would begin with commitment to the concept that
we are at WAR. Not with Israelis, or
even the IDF, but with the twin ideologies that motivate Israeli repression and
atrocities: Zionism and American
Exceptionalism. It was the same in the
Civil Rights Movement: The enemies were
not segregationists, but the concept of segregation and the mechanisms by which
it was imposed. The enemy was not
racist, but racism. And so on with the
other enemies. Dr. King identified the
main three as "racism, extreme materialism, and militarism." These are enemies we still face.
Once we commit ourselves to waging War against these evil
forces (or to put it another way, "waging Peace and Justice"), we can
begin to IDENTIFY what we need to accomplish, ORGANIZE an army, STRATEGIZE what
that army needs to do to WIN, and DEPLOY ourselves to carry out coordinated
actions that will accomplish our objectives.
Here's an example:
Changing the average American's perception of Palestinians and of Israel
is a key objective. A strategy to meet
that objective would be to create affinity groups across the country based upon
occupations. For instance, a team in
Palestine could produce a video of firemen in Rafah talking about their work
of, literally, putting out fires that the IDF starts, and another of farmers
talking about the effects of the Wall.
Then activists in the US and elsewhere could set up meetings with local
fire departments and farmers' organizations to show these videos to these
groups and ask for their understanding, sympathy, and commitment to truly help
their Palestinian counterparts by actively opposing the Occupation. Arranging delegations of US firefighters and
farmers to visit Palestine and report back to their organizations in the US
would drive our message even more. Such
organizing would also generate media coverage, extending the message to even
more people. The final step could be
forming on-going Palestine Solidarity groups within firefighter and farmer
organizations. Obviously, this tactic
could be used among Americans from teachers to social workers to construction
workers, etc.
BTW, we spend a LOT of money sending people to Palestine on
"fact-finding" missions. This
is not an effective use of the scant resources our movement currently has. We already have the facts, and the average
Palestinian thanks us for visiting, but wishes Americans would actually DO
something to stop our government from continuing its support of Israel. Our money would be better spent organizing,
organizing, and organizing to WIN!